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23 Jun 2020 8:06 am
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Hat_Creek » 23 Jun 2020, 4:11 am » wrote: Yesterday, I read a few Sole posts I thought were pretty good.

Just give him time as he has something unique and profound to share with us.

Soles thought process isn't linear.
Thank you, But what makes my discussions unique is I describe life without if reinterpreting the past so far and the triangulating could, would, should governing human emotions from now on through trained context and believing life originated anywhere else but the moment sustaining the universe perpetually balancing between did exist, is existing, does continue or not duplicated again per lifetime, ancestral part of the food chain, planet, solar system, galaxy of solar systems.

I see living as how it never exceeds reproductions being timed apart now. My instincts can follow any detail back to why and how is became what it is as eternally timed apart so far. That goes for ancestral progression to lifetime present regardless plant, animal, predator, prey, asexual, male, female means of reproduciton making something that never existed before into something never duplicated again.

Everyone agrees life works in cycles, reproductive cycles timed apart while spontaneously here per universal point of being actively displaced inorganically and ancestrally within one atmosphere per each lifetime in each species actively reproducing even becoming extinct, occupying space, inception of a new variety or species from now on, which is only while reproductions are present.

Compounding simplicity of details constructs between what erodes and what decomposes by decay, fire, ingestion. Personal experience of everything I do is never what I have done so far. I add that to everyone else exists the same way separate DNA timed apart now.

All the events possible but don't apply until reached, binary code of did or hasn't, i.e.1 or 0.

see everyone else I know spends their time defending who they rather be socially where I stand my time as eternally separated so far. I get the clarity of reading between the lines people use to substitute symbolism for how life actually works in plain sight, never naturally here in planed syllables of any tongue or alphabetized vocabulary or mathematical equating by statistical averaging past outcomes to direct future endeavors making each added reproduction obey the principals of language arts..

by doing what I have for the last 13 years using cyberspace as an arena of ideas upon free messagboards has made me the genetic fruition of Nostardamus's "One male" prediction that would end time humans use to take advantage of each other psychologically making human nature as a predator philosophical prey in reality.

see how my explaining to you where I get my ideas from implodes everything phoenix68.2.0 is using against me psychologically and socially gathering deniers around to make me feel insulated and isolated but I already know how and why I am 1 of a kind now. most people don't want to find out.

1 Nomination

omh Jun 23, 2020

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